Ten99.dev is for devs that love working on 1099s
Connect with other contractors, form teams, find or exchange work, share advice, and thrive independently & together.

Join the Ten99.dev Community

Connect with others
Connect with other contractors in the community and build your network. Exchange ideas and advice. Learn from wily veterans and up-and-comers.
Create teams
Create teams with other contractors in your network for tackling those projects where you need additional skillsets, or maybe just a few extra hands to get the job done.
Find work, Exchange work
Sometimes you're just too successful and need to lighten the load. Or maybe a lead just doesn't fit what you offer. Quickly find the people in your network that would be perfect for the job.
I envision a platform for software contractors where they can manage their network and grow it, easily find people for those times you need help, and be empowered to share and grow your talents. Job boards, discussions, articles, etc. I see it all and more for Ten99.dev.
Headshot of Kyle Shevlin
Kyle Shevlin, Founder of Ten99.dev & Agathist

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